SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics Review HF SDR

SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics Review HF SDR

Here is a quick tour of the SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics an HF SDR radio. It’s an operator’s point of view and a simple walk through this great HF radio. This is the first video of an upcoming series. The SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics is an amazing standalone SDR radio, it’s complex and simple at the same time. It is a high-end rig competing directly with any other flagship product of any other brand. If after watching this video, you are not convinced that this radio is amazing, well I do not know what video to do next to impress you.

This video was made after using it for 8 days only and I’m still discovering the unit. There may be some simple mistakes describing the features, but as I wanted to be an operator’s overview, as I would for any friend visiting the shack, the genuine approach was more important than precision. This quick review is to longest video I ever post on my channel, even my documentary is shorter, and I didn’t cover all the features! Please stay tune, as I will do more videos as I discover this radio.

For more information about this radio, please visit the websites below.

For the North American (USA / Canada) dealer, NSI Radio, follow the link below.…

For international dealers, follow the link below.

SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics – Review and walkthrough

SunSDR MB1 – Unboxing and First Impressions

Here’s my new toy, the Expert Electronics SunSDR MB1. This is a high-end SDR transceivers with an integrated PC!!!

In this video you will find the unboxing and our first impressions. I say “our”, because I had a guess for the event (April 18), my friend Robin VA2NRJ, just watch his expression and you will understand how this radio is incredible.

This is the item I was waiting for the past two weeks, it’s finally in my shack and I’m very happy to share this video with you. Stay tune because this is only the beginning, as I discover this radio I will be making a quick tour and different demonstrations.

Please share and subscribe to get notify when my next video is online.

Special thanks to Robin VA2NRJ for being part of this video, so I was not alone happy like a kid on this special day.

SunSDR MB1 – My Equalizer (EQ) configs for HF SSB and VHF FM

You can download the profile here to load the config directly into the radio.


Author: Pascal VA2PV