The DXer and the Technician

I am proud to present my first amateur radio documentary.

“The DXer and the Technician” – 22 minutes (UHD 4K resolution) – English version

This true story is about two amateur radio operators who have been friends for over 35 years. One of them, the DXer, his wife became seriously ill. They had to sell the house, the cottage, all the ham radio gears, and bought an apartment (condo) for it’s wheel chair accessibility, but the new QTH (location) as a ban on antennas installation. So, he was of the air for 8 years. In 2013, him and his best friend, the Technician, discovered a new technology (Remoterig) allowing the use of remote antennas infrastructure over the internet. The Technician offered his best friend to share his antennas. Discover how technology and friendship have successfully brought back the DXer on the air!

This is the true story about Claude VE2BUB and Michel VE2OV.

I made this video by myself without any crew and only one 4K camera. It represents more than 120 hours of work, 4 days of shooting and several hours of editing. Please support my productions by subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

Thank you for watching.

Pour la version française (French version), cliquez ici !


Author: Pascal VA2PV